Vitamin D is manufactured in our skin. As we age, our skin's ability to make Vitamin D declines. This deficiency has been linked to rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.
Deep wrinkles on the face and body are a direct result of bone density loss, which results from a lack of Vitamin D. The vitamin is also critical in regulating hormones and keeping other problems at bay, like depression, seasonal affective disorder, PMS and sleeping problems.
We all know our body makes Vitamin D when directly exposed to the sun, and most of us meet some of our requirements this way. However, we still need to limit sun exposure by wearing protective clothing and SPF of at least 15 to prevent premature aging, cancer and other skin problems. That's why we should also take Vitamin D supplements.
Recommended dosage ranges form 400 to 1200 IU's per day. Please check with your healthcare provider on what is right for you.
Source: Skin Inc. March 2013