Thursday, December 19, 2013

Relax With A Hot Cup Of Rooibos Tea

Drink rooibos tea to keep wrinkles at bay and beautify from the inside. Japanese researchers have found that rooibos slows cell damage and halts the aging process. Derived from the African red bush plant, rooibos is loaded with more antioxidants and minerals than green or white tea. Look for it at your local supermarket. Brew as directed and drink two cups a day.

Source: Woman’s World January 23, 2012. Photo credit Lyle Nel.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

You Are Invited to the Dec. 15th Souli Open House!

Mark your calendars for the Souli Skin Spa HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Sunday, December 15, from 12 to 5pm. There will be loads of stocking stuffers and gift ideas, chocolates and champagne.
  • Lorraine May from The Misha May Foundation Dog Training and Rescue will be at the open house selling calendars. Proceeds go toward helping find homes for our furry friends.
  • Dianne Maroney will be signing her new book,“The Imagine Project,” which recounts the stories of people she interviewed as she traveled across the country. Her subjects faced and overcame unbelievable hardships, and the stories of these heroes are inspirational and heartwarming.
  • By attending you will be entered into a raffle drawing for a JetPeel/Red Light Photorejuvenation treatment valued at $159 and three Dermapen microneedling treatments valued at $750.
  • Bring a blanket to the open house to donate for a soldier in Afghanistan and get 10% off your next facial. All blankets go to
  • See the beautiful jewelry from Beyond Beads by Robyn Nicholson at The Workshops. Very affordable for fabulous Christmas gifts!
  • Choose from the new arrivals of Archipelago candles and luscious pomegranate body washes and lotions.
  • And you don't want to miss out on the yummy salt caramels from local Helliemae’s as seen in December issue of Real Simple) and the Spicy Chile Crunch condiment from local chef Susie Hojel (as seen in December issue of5280).
Hope to see you on Sunday!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dermaplaning: More Exfoliation, Better Product Penetration, Increased Collagen Production

That’s the beauty of Dermaplaning (also called Epidermal Leveling). This simple and safe technique involves a light shaving with a small blade on the top layer of skin (epidermis). The process is painless and not only removes dead skin but also has the added benefit of removing fine vellus hair or “peach fuzz.” Dermaplaning helps with dead skin buildup, fine lines, uneven texture, and superficial pigmentation. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and absolutely glowing.

Many people with rosacea or sensitive skin are not good candidates for microdermabrasion due to the vacuum used. However, Dermaplaning can be done safely on mild forms of rosacea. The treatment is also a great go-to treatment option for those who are pregnant or nursing and cannot use topical exfoliating agents and acids that could be absorbed into the bloodstream.

$80 for one-hour treatment; $95 with pumpkin enzyme steam.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Do a Skin Allergy Patch Test

Over the last couple weeks, I have had a few clients react to products, but we weren't sure which one. In cases like this, I always instruct my clients to perform a product patch test.

If you ever have a reaction or if you have sensitive skin that you think might react, here's how you should perform a patch test on yourself.

Skin Allergy Patch Test:
  1. Clean a quarter-size area of skin on either your neck or inside of your wrist.
  2. With a clean cotton ball or cotton swab, apply the product or skin care recipe to the cleansed test spot.
  3. Let the product dry. Don't wash or cover the test spot for 24 hours.
  4. Examine the area periodically over the 24-hour period.  If you experience redness, burning, itching, swelling, skin abrasion, eruption, or irritation, in or around the test spot, do not use the product without consulting your doctor or esthetician first.

Source: "Your Best Face Now", Shellie Goldstein

Monday, July 8, 2013

3 Great Summer Skin Tips!

The summer sun is intense here in Colorado, and it is not being shy this season. Give your skin some love by following these three great summer skin tips.

1.  Soothe sunburn with vinegar.

Use a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar to soothe your sunburned face and a paper towel or washcloth soaked in vinegar for the rest of your body. Hold on skin for 15 minutes. Vinegar helps to relieve pain and itching and also prevents blisters from forming.

lemon for skin exfoliation
2.  Fade sun/age spots with lemon juice.

Citric acid in lemon juice helps dissolve dead skin cells and expose new fresh skin underneath. Lemon juice also contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that protects you from aging and sun damage.

3.  Relieve itchy bug bites with banana!  

Who knew?! Rub the inside white part of a banana peel directly on a bug bite for 2-3 mins. This helps to moisturize and calm irritation.

Source: Woman's Day, July 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

FDA Has Issued New Rules for Sunscreen Labels, Banning Misleading Claims

Take a minute to read the labels before you buy sunscreen. The FDA has issued new rules and there are two phrases you should understand.

1) "Broad Spectrum" means the product protects you against both UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays. Both are linked to cancer and cause wrinkles.

2) "Water Resistant" indicates when swimmers should reapply (40 mins after lighter formulas, 80 mins for more enduring ones).

Remember, what's more important than the SPF number on the product is how often you reapply, especially when sweating or doing a sport. Also important, wear your sunblock DAILY. We are even exposed to damaging rays under cloudy skies!

Have a fabulous summer. And make it a safe one!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Inside-Outside Approach to Vitamin D

Vitamin D is manufactured in our skin. As we age, our skin's ability to make Vitamin D declines. This deficiency has been linked to rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.

Deep wrinkles on the face and body are a direct result of bone density loss, which results from a lack of Vitamin D. The vitamin is also critical in regulating hormones and keeping other problems at bay, like depression, seasonal affective disorder, PMS and sleeping problems.

We all know our body makes Vitamin D when directly exposed to the sun, and most of us meet some of our requirements this way. However, we still need to limit sun exposure by wearing protective clothing and SPF of at least 15 to prevent premature aging, cancer and other skin problems. That's why we should also take Vitamin D supplements.

Recommended dosage ranges form 400 to 1200 IU's per day. Please check with your healthcare provider on what is right for you.

Source: Skin Inc. March 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

All Skin Types Need Moisturizer

Lately, the number one problem I've seen with clients is increased breakouts caused by extremely dry skin.

Especially in these dry winter months, it's important for ALL skin types to moisturize. Often people with oily or combination skin will not use a moisturizer, thinking it will make them break out more. Actually, the opposite is true.

Not using a moisturizer will cause your skin to get dehydrated, and it can then trigger your skin to produce more oil. Remember, there is a big difference in your skin between water and oil. If you have oily skin, you still have to hydrate, both inside and out. Make sure your moisturizer, and all makeup,  is "oil-free" or "noncomedogenic" (nonclogging).

Moisturizers aren't created equal. Choose a quality moisturizer formulated for your skin type. If you're unsure which product to use, give me a call (720-351-6219). All initial consults are free.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Skin as a Reflection of Your Internal Organs

One of the most interesting pieces of information I've learned as an esthetician is that the body's internal organs correspond to specific zones on the face. You also have these mapping points on your ears, soles of the feet, hands and abdomen. These maps are also known as "holograms."

Here's a good example: In an acne consult, I look at what part of the face is breaking out, which gives me information about the cause of the acne and other pieces of information that can help determine treatment. For instance, breakouts on the forehead relate to the intestines. Getting someone with forehead acne on probiotics to reduce inflammation from the inside out usually gives quick results.

Sign up for Souli Skinspa's newsletter for more complete details on holograms. In the next issue I'll give you a complete facial map of the reflex zones.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Eat and Drink Your Way to Clear Skin

Three quick and tasty tips for preventing pimples.

Low-Glycemic Diet

Studies have shown that people who follow a low-glycemic diet tend to have clearer skin. Focus on eating vegetables and whole grains and skip the processed sugars.  Low-glycemic foods help to regulate your body’s natural insulin. When you have excess insulin your body’s hormones can rage out of control.


Drink warm water with lemon every morning. Lemon acts as a diuretic and helps to flush out acne-causing toxins and bacteria in the small intestine.

H2O and Produce 

Of course you need to drink eight glasses of water a day (at a minimum) for clear skin, but eating fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as cucumbers and grapefruits, will keep cells hydrated, too. Some say eating produce plumps cells even better than drinking water.

How have you modified your diet to benefit your skin?